‘The Mad Lover’ wins the 2022 International Classical Music Award


Yesterday, the International Classical Music Awards jury announced Théotime Langlois de Swarte’s recording ‘The Mad Lover’ is the winner of the 2022 ICMA in the category of Baroque Instrumental. The CD rose to the top among thirty other nominated albums in the category. The Award ceremony will take place at 5pm at the Philharmonie Luxembourg Chamber Music Hall with a Gala concert scheduled for 8pm at the Auditorium. Among the 2022 ICMA nominee are La famille Rameau: Justin Taylor (Baroque Instrumental) and Royal Handel: Le Consort & Eva Zaïcik (Baroque Vocal).

‘The Mad Lover’ was released on the 20th November 2020 by Harmonia Mundi label, the album has been highly praised by many in the industry. Violinist Théotime Langlois de Swarte is joined by skillful lutist, Thomas Dunford, and the album has been described as “what falling in love sounds like: seductive and virtuoso, sensual and sexy, but also capricious and melancholic”.



The Mad Lover nous offre une quintessence de virtuosité, de sérénité, de sensibilité et d’exubérance à la fois, au travers de pièces judicieusement choisies pour leur cohérence entre elles (…) Assurément, du grand art !

February 2021

NDR – Radio - Musik

"The Mad Lover" ist seine erste Solo-CD. Mit dem Lautenisten Thomas Dunford verbindet ihn langjähriges gemeinsames Forschen und Improvisieren. Das Ergebnis ist geglückt!

January 2021

The Strad

What’s more, France’s rising generation has some promising names. Topping that list for me is Le Consort founding violinist Théotime Langlois de Swarte, whose recent The Mad Lover debut solo album for harmonia mundi was a stunner by any standard.

January 2021