Maxime Melnik stars in a new production of Ambroise Thomas’ Hamlet


At the end of february, the Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège GAVE ITS FIRST PERFORMANCE OF tHOMAS’ hamlet. both the new production and Maxime melnik have been received with critical acclaim.

Maxime Melnik sings the role of Marcellus/The Gravedigger and has been described as possessing ‘a tenor full of finesse’ (Toute La Culture). Melnik sings alongside Lionel Lhote and Jodie Devos, among others, in this new production of Hamlet that combines traditional theatre and video technology.


‘On retrouve également avec plaisir Maxime Melnik, injustement écarté de la scène liégeoise voici quelques mois (il est Marcellus et un des fossoyeurs), mais aussi Laurent Kubla, [...] tous deux constituant un duo attachant.’

‘Equally enjoyable is Maxime Melnik’s performance, who was unjustly excluded from the Liège scene a few months ago (he is Marcellus and one of the gravediggers), as well as Laurent Kubla’s, [...] both constituting an endearing duo."

La Libre, HERE

‘Toujours précis, Maxime Melnik, sert ici le double-rôle du Fossoyeur et de Marcellus avec son ténor de caractère, et la tenue claire de ses lignes.’

‘Always precise, Maxime Melnik, serves here the double role of the Gravedigger and Marcellus with his characterful tenor, and clear support of his lines’

Olyrix, HERE


Claudius has become King of Denmark after murdering his brother and marrying his widow. Hamlet, the son of the deceased, loves the beautiful Ophelia, daughter of the chamberlain. He is visited by the spectre of his father, who orders him to avenge him. Feigning madness, he dismisses Ophelia, who loses her mind and drowns. Hamlet kills Claudius and ascends the throne, inconsolable at having lost the one he loves.

The Romanticism movement, eager for introspection and exploration of the human soul, rediscovered the man who had exploited its depths with a confounding clear-sightedness, William Shakespeare. Ambroise Thomas’ Hamlet, first performed at the Paris Opera in 1868, merely one year after Verdi’s impressive Don Carlos, powerfully illustrates the existential wanderings of the eponymous hero and places Ophelia’s overwhelming and sublime madness at the heart of the drama. The librettists of Gounoud’s Faust admittedly took many liberties with the original text by the Eternal Bard but managed to maintain the unity of the drama as well as a perfect fit with the aesthetics of French grand opera.

Click here for more information


Recent performances

26th february | 3PM | Grand salle, Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège

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Ambroise Thomas’ Hamlet

28th february | 8PM | Grand salle, Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège

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Ambroise Thomas’ Hamlet

Upcoming performances

2nd March | 8PM | Grand salle, Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège

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Ambroise Thomas’ Hamlet

4th March | 8pm | Grand salle, Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège

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Ambroise Thomas’ Hamlet

7th march | 8PM | Grand salle, Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège

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Ambroise Thomas’ Hamlet

2nd may | 7.30PM |Terrace theatre, kennedy centre

With Opera Lafayette

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3rd may | 7.30PM | Terrace theatre, kennedy centre

With Opera Lafayette

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9th may | 6.30PM | Museo del barrio, nyc

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