Sarah Gilford performs in livestream concert at Bayerische Staatsoper

Photo credit: Markus Burke

Photo credit: Markus Burke

On Monday 23rd November, Welsh soprano Sarah Gilford will be performing among her peers in the Bayerische Staatsoper Operastudio ‘Montagsstück IV: Come ti piace’ livestream concert. Taking place in the Cuvilliés Theatre, the concert will showcase arias and ensemble pieces from Die Fledermaus, Faust, Don Pasquale, and La clemenza di Tito.

Sarah will perform as both ensemble and soloist, singing Servilia’s aria, S’altro che lacrime from Mozart’s Le Clemenza di Tito, and as Marguerite in extracts from the Garden Scene from Gounod’s Faust.

The performance will be livestreamed for free tonight at 8:15PM, and available to watch from Wednesday 25th November. For more information, click here.

Sarah has recently led the Operastudio production in the same theatre as Mignon in Ambroise Thomas' opera of the same name. During the first outbreak of the pandemic, she recorded one of the arias on the main stage of the Bayerische Statsoper.

Watch her performance below!

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