Sarah Gilford performs the role of Ortlinde in Wagners Die Walküre at Klagenfurt Stadttheater


Sarah Gilford performs the role of Ortlinde in Wagners Die Walküre.

Wagner's great tetralogy tells the story of the world as a cycle of beginnings and ends, of life, love and failure of humanity, of creation, destruction and new creation. The huge story begins in the new Klagenfurt Ring with the Valkyriewhich has always been the darling of the public among the works of tetralogy. It tells the story of the descendants of Wotan, who are supposed to secure the power of the father of gods. A pair of twins, Siegmund and Sieglinde, seem to have been born for this: the brother ends up at his enemy's hearth, finds his sister there after years and wins her heart. Everything is going according to plan - and yet the love of siblings is against the law. The father has to sacrifice the son. Brünnhilde, darling daughter, defies her father for the first time and protects the incestuous couple in vain.

With the Valkyrie as the beginning, the Klagenfurt viewers do not enter the action that the Rheingold presents in the mythical prehistoric times and thus already reveals the end of the parable at the beginning, but rather in the metaphorically understood present time of the people. This makes it particularly clear that the ring only superficially plays in a fantastic world of gods, heroes and magical beings. Above all, it reflects universal social structures and questions the relationship between man and nature - thus bringing one of the most pressing issues of the present and the near future up for discussion.

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