Maxime Melnik in a live stream of Gaston Compère’s Shema Adonaï


Maxime Melnik performs in a live stream of Gaston Compère’s Shema Adonaï with Musiques Nouvelles conducted by Jean-Paul Dessy, broadcast online on April 22nd at 8pm.

Maxine will be joined by soloists Pauline Claes, Elise Gäbele and Kris Belligh.


A lyrical and philosophical drama to rethink humanity.

From the meeting of two essential figures of the Belgian literary scene, the late Gaston Compère and *Vincent Engel, both moved by the drama experienced in Auschwitz by the Jewish people, was born the oratorio Shema Adonaï - Écoute Éternelle - which invites God to be listen to the song of men.

Bringing together reflexive force and passion for words and music, the authors tell the pain of a story respectful of a past of suffering and combine it with the hope that their faith in a better and more just life allows.

*Vincent Engel is the author of the Gaston Compère libretto, composer of the original score.

Find out more here.